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Industrial Tourism

You still do not know how modern household appliances are produced? We invite everyone to see with their own eyes where and how the legendary ATLANTs are created.

The excursion program includes:

The minimum age of the excursion participants is 12 years.

Download an application form

Please send filled-in application forms to welcome@atlant.by

Excursions are held on business days at 09.30 and 13.30.

Cost of services per group:

The number of people in the group Cost, rub.
Up to 5 people 30
From 6 to 10 people 60
From 11 to 20 people 120
From 21 to 30 people 180
From 31 to 40 people 240
From 41 to 50 people 300

You can sign up for excursions:

Our address: 220035, 61 Pobeditelei Ave., Minsk